Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rachael Ray's Oozy Bread

Rachael Ray's Oozy Bread
(warning: this is SWEET but hey, ya only live once)

1 package bacon
1 8 oz. jar maple syrup
1 stick butter
1 can (8 count) homestyle biscuits

Cook bacon to crispy and crumble
Place small pot over medium heat and add syrup and butter (Do not bring to a boil) Heat until butter is melted, turn heat off and reserve.

Butter or spray  loaf pan. Pour a couple tablespoons of sauce in the bottom. Layer 3 biscuits in bottom of pan, Tear up one of the biscuits and fill in spaces with the pieces
Sprinkle 1/2 of reserves bacon on top of biscuits and top with 1/2 cup of sauce

Place remaining biscuits (4) on top ans bacon on top of that. Cover with remaining syrup mixture and bake 375 for 25-30 minutes
Remove and immediately turn over onto a serving dish.

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